I start out knowing which photographs are my favorites. It doesn’t take long filing through my images that I have collected many more than I intended. It is a little like choosing a favorite child. I love them all. I would love some feedback if you have preferences.

2012 provided many opportunities. To see more click: HERE


I tried unsuccessfully yesterday, to make this post, and again this morning. Finally with the help of my internet provider, whatever was preventing me from uploading was resolved.



I have a large archive of photographs that covers a wide range of  If you have not decided what to get for christmas consider contacting me. All the best for the holidays.


I don’t think it is possible to take a bad photograph of the Golden Gate Bridge. I never saw an alley of trees that I didn’t like. I have quite literally hundreds of thousands of images spanning more than 50 years, of almost any subject you can think of. Those that pre-date digital cameras, I have been scanning and saving to a hard drive(s). Each photograph is connected to a memory or a feeling or thought. The photo is a tag if you like to find that memory. My goal is to express the most complete thought in a single image. Naturally there are moments when video is better, but I am committed to the effort of capturing the whole in a single image. Click: HERE to go to my photography website.



My external hard drive is giving me fits. Downloading photos at the moment is an overnight affair instead of 10- 15 minutes normally. New photos of the 12 meters coming tomorrow. So I am tacking. Photo gear, here are two new and worthy items: the Gerber steady, and Luma Labs Cinch

Gerber Steady at

Gerber Steady

Gerber is taking the multi-tool into new territory with the Steady. Like their other hardworking pocket tools, it features all stainless blades, serrated and straight, plus wire cutters, 3 screwdrivers, bottle opener, etc. But since no weekend adventure is going down without your phone and camera, the key features of the Steady are an adjustable cell phone mount and a tripod mount for your camera.


While in Los Angeles we had lunch with a good friend in Malibu. We found the environment there uncomfortable, at least for us. Since I carry a camera all the time I had many people question if I was a paparazzi, and seemed truly disappointed when I replied that I was not. Apparently, a little later, some genuine paparazzi did appear; from their looks in my direction they were concerned that I was competition. Evidently, lots of movie stars or other famous people often go there for lunch. This is the lure of being there for many.

I am out of step, as I was seeking the unusual among the usual; the ordinary that stands out. It is not always as easy as looking at a movie star; but for me more rewarding



I have a new camera, the simplest description is that of the million dollar man, stronger, faster, more powerful. The Tall Ships are still here. I looked at the ones I did not see yesterday. It seems that the “Bounty” is now the belle of the ball. It was only a few years ago, she was considered a second tier tall ship, perhaps because she had been built as a prop for Mutiny on the Bounty the 1962 film. Ted Turner ended up owning her after he bought the MGM archive. He gave her away and she changed hands a few times again. She appeared in Master and Commander the far side of the World, and Pirates of the Caribbean.

Of course I could not leave out a photo of “Cangarda”