It is difficult for me to know what to think of the Catacombs. I am fascinated, awed, humbled, terrified, and horrified all at the same time. The bones of six million dead, moved and stacked with great care; and then shown as a spectacle for everyone to see.
Tag: paris
Election Night, America’s Cup,Route du Rhum and Paris
Still to early to know what the outcome of the elections will be. Most already have a suspicion.
The Route du Rhum has developed into a tactical race. This should be no surprise. The Skipper of Eric Taberly’s old multihull has been evacuated because of health reasons.
Since yesterday there have been 4 entries for the America’s Cup, including the defender and challenger of record. So really 2 new entries ( the ante at this piont is $25,000, so it is not a huge risk.) The photo below is of the crowd watching the start of the Route du Rhum. Could this ever happen in America?
We visited the Musee de la vie Romantique to see an exhibition of Russian painters never before seen in the west.
This was the house of Ary Scheffer. He and his family led an interesting life, entertaining all the intellectuals and artists of the era.
Finishing our day at an exhibition of Serge Ferat (1881-1958) at the Gallerie Beres. I will not pretend to know much about art, and even less about Serge Ferat; which was the point of going to see the exhibit.
When asked why she decided to do this Exhibit; the response was simple: “Why do an exhibit of an artist that everyone already knows?” “Where is the surprise? What does one learn?”