When the children were young we used to drive to see the christmas lights some of which were year round efforts. These are from Los Angeles where I still have trouble reconciling the christmas season. Somehow I imagine christmas, particularly a white christmas among the trees being a New England tradition. Silly as this might be, even when I know better, somehow I still hold that thought in my mind.


The long awaited Farallones report is issued from US Sailing: READ HERE.

US Sailing’s report on the “Low Speed Chase” accident has been issued and it is a solid study. Read it and draw your own conclusions.

The rest of the photographs are my continuing exploration of downtown Los Angeles. So many tell me that there is no architecture in Los Angeles and no culture; that it is a completely hedonistic place. While it is probably true that the film industry and the stars dominate the headlines; there is the larger life  of the vast majority of people alongside.


I have often wondered about the complete story behind the now iconic sign “HOLLYWOOD”. It was a real estate developers sign, hollywoodland originally; the land was in fact at the head of Beechwood Canyon. Curiously, many of my friends in the east have told me that there was no such place as Beechwood Canyon.

As with anywhere, the history, is local, and here hollywood and film dominate significant history in the minds of most people.


I would like to have a career as a photographer. I tend to have broad interest which is reflected in my photography. But I have an particular interest in journalistic photography. I would like to tell you a story with my images, honestly, I would like to make a difference.

Yesterday, I went to a part of Los Angeles most of you will probably never go. Nor am I saying you should; but neither should we ignore it’s existence.During my brief visit there I was yelled at and threatened by the drug dealers who also patrol the area. The temperature in downtown Los Angeles was 96 degrees. Everyone had moved to the shady side of the street seeking relief from the heat.

Equally, life is full of surprises. In the midst of the human tragedy; I took the color photograph below. There is always hope.


I just cannot emphasize enough the pleasure downtown Los Angeles gives me. An architectural treasure trove. The first photos are of the “Cicada Club” in the 1928 Oviatt building. The glass work was done by Lalique, as good as I have ever seen. The last photo is that of the door on Rene Lalique’s house in Paris.
   Broadway is grander than its counterpart in New York with wonderful facades. I walked the street again while in LA to marvel at the buildings.


Julia Morgan, architect of San Simeon, the Herald Examiner and other projects for William Hurst as well as other important commissions.  No discussion of Los Angeles is complete without including her.

  Los Angeles is so rich with architectural gems,and preservation of these buildings has been quite good here.

  People watching in Los Angeles has endless possibilities, even in Whole Foods, while shopping for groceries.
  My primary purpose here is to help my children. I have been sawing, painting, sewing, hammering, drilling. But I always carry my camera.