Since the 12 meter era reunion was announced. I have been asking anyone who has photos and stories if they might be willing to share them. Here are some photographs taken by Beken of Cowes in 1958 of “Sceptre”; courtesy of my good friend Anna Templeton-Cotill.
My particular favorite is the crew photo which includes the syndicate and if you look carefully, the mascot, Archibald Baldwin Warren (the dog)
Another subject of note for me is the sails.
great photos and story, Scott Barlow-Narragansett
Last person on the right standing is me (Tom Barrett). George O’Day loaned the Sceptre crew a launch and I delivered it from Fall River , MA to Newport. Graham Mann, Sceptre :skipper” asked me to stay and operate the launch for them. I lived with the crew for a month. my story is told on page 132 of Hugh Somerville’s book “Sceptre.”