Halloween and Pere Lachaise

A beautiful gentle fall day. Not to cold, low humidity, wonderful light; the light you can only find here in Paris. ( most of my life I would look at the impressionist paintings and I just did not “get” it; not until I first came to Europe, and realized how different the light is).

It is Halloween, All Saint’s Eve; tomorrow is All Saint’s Day. Today is the day people in France clean the tombs and headstones of their families

The cemetery of Pere Lachaise is probably best know to Americans because of Jim Morrisson who is buried here. More significantly are the many notable generals, inventors, creators and other famous people are interred  here. It was interesting to note that the tomb of Chopin had much more attention than that of Jim Morrison.

I had never been to Pere Lachaise. It is a marvel. Perhaps an allegory for the city of Paris, historically and architecturally rich, with wide cobbled  boulevards, and narrow streets that twist and wind, that mount and descend. Beautiful trees and flowers.