I find that the press and the America’s cup reporting are unduly harsh about team Luna Rossa. The Italians (and  Team New Zealand) have been laboring under an uneven playing field. One where the rules seem to change every day.

These two teams must race, each in their turn against a no-show opponent. America’s Cup Management has chosen not to allow these unopposed races to appear on You Tube. The boats are still incredibly powerful and thrilling to watch, but it is not their fault that Team Artemis is not prepared to race. They had agreed to wait for Artemis to be ready to sail. An offer that was refused.

The behavior of the America’s Cup so far has not provided the kind of leadership one would hope for from the pinnacle of our sport. Despite my concerns it is my sincere hope that once the Cup series is completed in September, the squabbling will be forgotten; and history will move forward.