As an Easterner, I am told constantly that California is a vapid place. It is very large but certainly not short of exciting things to see. There is not much of the 18th century unless it is Spanish or Mexican, however the examples of those styles are truly wonderful. Distances are a different scale, the opposite of the East.

I am more familiar with Los Angeles and still discovering San Francisco and the surrounding areas, but there is no shortage of discoveries.

The cow parade was just too good not to include.


I am in northern California, by that I mean north of San Francisco. I had an idea of what to expect, I was mostly wrong. It is as diverse as the rest of California, with agriculture being the dominant feature. Being from the East I always fall back to the idea of the Pacific Ocean, surfers and people in Los Angeles and San Francisco. It is far more diverse and interesting than that.

Everything is big; the trees, the spaces, the vineyards. It is fascinating for me from the East. Although I am still without bearings.
My son moved here from Los Angeles, and we are here helping him settle. I had only just gotten used to Los Angeles.