We completed a race and were headed south back to the mooring. the storm clouds were behind us. We could not quite outrun the squall.
We completed a race and were headed south back to the mooring. the storm clouds were behind us. We could not quite outrun the squall.
Quickly done and I should wait to publish it; however I am rather pleased with the way it is coming together. I will post a finished copy later.
In the morning I spoke to the man clearing the roads of mud that washed down the mountains the night before. We had a thunderstorm and 3 inches of rain in a very short period of time; which fell on parched ground. Unfortunately not on the forest fire which continues to burn unchecked.
The National Aeronautics and Space Adminstration like so many governmental agencies produces so much information that goes largely unseen. It is our loss as it makes our lives richer.
clouds 1 31 13 from ws lirakis on Vimeo.
I simply turned the camera on and left it for a while. It was a windy day and the sun was setting. The Music is from “The Band”; giving credit where credit is due.
Anyone who has watched the news must know we are waiting for a major snowstorm. We will not see the sky or a sunset for a few days.