If you live on the east coast of the United States, The story of the hour is the arrival of Hurricane Sandy. I have trouble believing that the combination of the time of year and the water temperature that for us in Rhode Island this could arrive as more than a tropical storm. The weather models are still in conflict as to exactly what will happen and weather as we all know is subject to change.



Published by

ws lirakis

a sailor who carries a camera

2 thoughts on “HURRICANE “SANDY””

  1. This is the difference between radio/TV forecast coverage of 10,000 sq. miles, and hyping the most dire possibility, and good localized forecasts like Present Sandy consensus forecast is for landfall as a Cat 1 at Cape May early Tuesday AM. That gives NPT 25-30 from the East/NE, Monday night with gusts to 40, and maybe some 15-20 foot seas outside, but probably nary a ripple in Breton Cove. I agree it is likely to weaken over colder water. I have not seen a useful storm serge forecast yet, but with the full moon, that could produce some damage.

  2. Dunno Peter, Commander’s Forecast is pretty severe down the Western end of the Sound. I’ll forward to Steve and maybe he’ll decide to post. AB

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