This is now a few years old; however the content is ever relevant. We find ourselves in a moment in time which none of us ever imagined. This country of ours is so big and diverse. Each of us having a difficult time understanding how we arrived here.


Quickly done and I should wait to publish it; however I am rather pleased with the way it is coming together. I will post a finished copy later.


The continuing story of my Mill study. The Blackstone River was an important part of the Industrial revolution in America. It was not only the power source for the many mill along it’s banks, it was the highway on which the goods were transported.The railroads laid their tracks by the banks on the rivers of the world and the blackstone was no exception. In this case it was the Providence & Worcester Railroad Line.

At the Northern end in Rhode Island is Woonsocket, in it’s time one of the largest textile manufacturing cities in the United States. As someone said to me ” the scale of the buildings in Woonsocket are something we are unaccustomed to in Rhode Island.” They seem too big for the state.

Woonsocket reminded me of a small version of Portland, OR, with its many bridges encountered in the most surprising places on occasion. The glory of the cities heyday are evident.

The rivers came first then the railroads and finally the roads for automobiles. Just look at the major cities in the United States, or anywhere for that matter. They all started with as port for ships, the railroads had to service them.


A pile of junk, an assigned theme, and two hours to create the masterpiece that will earn the title of Iron Chef for the winning team. The weather held Saturday at the Steel Yard in Providence for the final competition. This trophy will be retired. Terrific original conceptual effort by all the teams.



The Industrial Revolution as an event has always fascinated me. More than 30 years ago my wife and I took a tour of the mill sites in Rhode Island organized by the Smithsonian. Yesterday, Sunday we took a drive and re-visited some of these sites along the Wood River. As you might imagine things had changed in the last thirty years and some things had not changed at all.

I am still hoping to find the photos from the first trip to show how things have changed.