I assembled this a few years ago because even I forget some of the boats and events I sailed. Still fond memories; and still making more.
Category: knots
The International Guild of Knot Tyers held it’s annual meeting at the New Bedford Whaling Museum in conjunction with the exhibit about Clifford Ashley, dean of knot tying.
I had no idea what to expect and was swept off my feet by the depth of interest of those involved.
The New Bedford Whaling Museum is currently showing an exhibit about Clifford Ashley, painter, historian, knot tyer. He was so much more, but one has to pay attention to understand him.
I grew up reading “Ashley’s book of knots”, I learned most the the knots show. I still tie knots. I have read all his books and have many photographs of the later whale ships of New Bedford.
New Bedford at the height of the whaling industry was a rich and prosperous city. The architecture of the city still reflects it’s grandeur.