I assembled this a few years ago because even I forget some of the boats and events I sailed. Still fond memories; and still making more.


This is in response to those who asked:”Who are you?” It is a least a dimension.Boats have always been a part of my life. Naturally interwoven with the story of Newport.

Western Arctic

July 1984 I was invited to go to the Beaufort Sea, the western arctic by boat, a 65 foot motorsailer belonging to John Bockstoce,” Mr. Arctic.” A completely new adventure for me, non racing. Such an interesting group, I read everything I could before I joined the boat.

I have included photos of ice and whales as it is what one thinks of when speaking of the arctic, I found it to be much more.
The photo of the boat with the grave marker in the foreground, in memory of a whaler from New Bedford.