The first taste of the adventure, and the longest race I ever sailed. 3700 miles. I sailed my first Bermuda race and my first transatlantic race aboard “Guenivere”
Category: travemunde
This is in response to those who asked:”Who are you?” It is a least a dimension.Boats have always been a part of my life. Naturally interwoven with the story of Newport.
The finish of the 1968 trans-atlantic race was in Travemunde, West Germany; having started in Bermuda, a week after the finish of the Bermuda Race. It is known as the Monte Carlo of the north.
It is important to put this in historical context. The photograph of what appears to be a field is really a road fenced off and protected by land mines. The Family of our assigned host was still on the “other” side. I would run in the morning on the beach until I arrived at the fence, land mines, and the guard with a dog and a machine gun. It gave reality to the plight Europe had experienced and as a young American; I had only read about in a history book.
The Germans were extraordinary hosts. ( I had occasion to experience this again in 2003 in Hamburg)The easy formality I did not fully appreciate at the time.
Another of the crew, in fact a classmate and myself had the clever idea to cash in our airplane tickets home and buy a car, the plan would be to re-sell the car at the end of the summer and re-purchase tickets home. This decision resulted in many adventures. The engine blew up on the highway in Denmark. As you may have guessed we lost our investment. I can look back today with a smile;at our youthful indiscretion. The stories of foolishness are more often than not, amusing.

First Trans-Atlantic race
In 1968 I sailed the Bermuda race and then the trans-atlantic race from Bermuda to Travemunde, West Germany aboard George Moffett’s 48 foot sloop”Guinevere”. A wonderful boat designed by Alan Gurney, probably most famous for “Windward Passage”
When I start to write one of these entries it is more about what to exclude, as there is for me, simply too many threads,each significant in it’s own way.
It would be no surprise to anyone that the personalities play an important role in any of these tales. the boats are usually a reflection of their owners. The events selected certainly play a role.
Geroge Moffett was no exception, an exceptional sailor, one of the most natural helmsman I have ever seen. An ever curious mind.
I had sailed the 1966 Bermuda race on “Guinevere” unable to sail the trans-atlantic race that year as I had a job waiting at home.
we placed in the top of our class each time in the Bermuda Race. In the Trans-atlantic race we won our class and finished second overall. Our German hosts gave out fabulous prizes.
This was a long race,taking just over 22 days. The track took us north of Scotland across the North Sea through the Skagerrak down the Baltic, through the Danish Archipelago, finishing at Fehmarn lightship making sure we did not wander into East German water.
the photo of a rock is Rockall a few hundred miles west of Scotland.